So Friday night we decided to crash Gray and Amanda's date. The majority of the kids were at friend's houses, so it was just Mom, Dad, Ryan, Evan, and I. Mom and Dad were previously trying to figure out what they wanted to do for the night/weekend, because their anniversary was Saturday. Gray came into the bedroom and told us him and Amanda were going to KOBE, a Japanese Steak House, and mom thought it would be fun to tag along. They cook your food in front of you there, and Ryan nor Evan had never seen something like that. When the chef came out to cook our food and lit the stove, Evan screamed. He did not like the flame being so close to him!
Of course, me being the wonderful big sister that I am decided to put Evan next to the statue at Kobe. He was terrified of it! |
After dinner on Friday, Gray and Amanda left to go see a movie, and the rest of us ran to the store to go get a game called Ticket to Ride. Which became very popular at our house over the last weekend. Once the two little boys were in bed, Dad taught me how to play. At first I thought it was going to be extremely boring, but once I started playing, it was really fun. Plus I ended up beating him the first game. :))
Saturday Ryan and I made cinnamon rolls. Since we needed to wait an hour and a half for the dough to rise, we wanted to play Ticket to Ride to pass the time. This time Dad, Gray, Suzanne, Ryan, and I played and it ended up being a TWO hour game, but nevertheless, still fun!
Ryan & Suzanne playing Ticket to Ride. |
Ryan helping cut the cinnamon rolls! |
That's how you do cinnamon rolls. ;) |
Cinnamon Sugar Swirl of yummyness! |
Last night Dad did the kitchen, so Mom wouldn't have to. Which is a very rare occasion to be seen since he has nine children to clean it for him. But unfortunately for me, I was forced to help clean it with him. At least I didn't have dishes!!
muhaha! I took a picture with Mom's phone ;) |
And Evan wanted to help too. |